Sunday, April 12, 2009

Who I am Not

Happy Resurrection Day!!! He is Risen and is ALIVE!!!

Over the past couple of days of this Easter weekend, I have wanted to write a meaningful blog about Easter and it's meaning--yet I have had no words of inspiration. This lack of inspiration is due to my pride. I wanted to write something that people would read and then be in awe by the revelation that I had dumb of me! I was reading a blog that I love to follow--a mentor of mine--perhaps some of you may have heard of Beth Moore. God has used this dear woman to bless my life and help me to grow abundantly in Him. I praise God for placing Beth on this earth to be His servant.

I just finished reading her latest post on Death and Healing and I found myself in tears. She had spoken at a memorial service of a friend of hers who lost a battle to cancer that had returned for what sounded like the third time. This friend of hers, Belinda, had an incredible walk with the Lord and all who knew her, knew that she loved and followed Jesus Christ. That is something that I want people to know of me. When I die, I want people to remember me for my love of the Lord. I want my passion and love for Him to show through every aspect of my life!!! As I reflected upon this I started praying and asking God to transform me into who He wants me to be. I saw my selfishness and my pride and was grieved by it. How much of my life do I live out of my own desires rather than out of His desires for my life? I am repentant, open to His leading and I can feel His forgiveness and peace wash over me. He knows my desires because He puts His desires on my heart.

I don't know about you, but I want to see His glory!!! He is God and I am not. He is the Great I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, Elohim--creator/preserver, El Shaddia--God Almighty, Jehovah-Jireh--God will provide, Jehovah-Rophe--The Lord Who Heals, Jehovah-M'Kaddesh--The Lord Who Sanctifies, Shepherd, Judge, King of kings and Lord of lords, El Elyon--Most High, Palet--Deliverer, Yeshua--Savior. What sweet words! He is my Yeshua and today and everyday! For me today, resurrection Sunday, is the perfect day to rembember who I am not, and who He is.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wedding Pictures!!!

We got our wedding album about 4-6 weeks ago and several weeks after that received our cd with all our wedding pictures, all 880 of them that is! Super excited about that!!! I'll post some of my favorites--hopefully I don't get carried away, but if I do I hope you'll understand! ;)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Career Conference

Last weekend I went to Tucson for about a day and a half where I attended our Mary Kay Career Conference! Before the conference started I had a wonderful opportunity to have lunch with my friend Angi and grab a cup of coffee with my friend Kirsten. It was so fun to see these two ladies in person and have some face to face catch up time. I'll have to make another trip down soon so I can have some more time with them!

Most people hear the word conference and think boring!!! However I'd like to clear up any misconceptions about Mary Kay Conferences--they are a BLAST!!! We have excellent education for the company as a whole, but also individualized education for where you are in your Mary Kay business. One of my favorite parts is hearing the stories of our National Sales Directors who lead our conference as well as the stories of our top Sales Directors. We all start in the same place and we will forever be a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant regardless of the level we choose to climb up to on the career path. I am truly blessed to be part of such an amazing company that puts God first and recognizes the importance of family and living out the golden rule. Thank you Lord, for giving us our dear Mary Kay Ash!

Our Beloved Mary Kay

L to R: Deborah, Danielle, Barb, Joyce, Deanna