The last couple weeks have been busy and interesting around the Dearborn household. I got sick early last week and was on the edge for several days of feeling fine or going under, well I finally went under last Friday and slept a good part of the day. Saturday I felt much better but still needed to take it easy, so it was a lazy sleep in day and also when Mike started feeling sick. He's been sick this whole week, having the same thing I did--sore throat which moves into a cold and then into a cough. Only problem is, Mike has had it worse and longer than I did. Oops, I didn't meant to get him sick! This morning I found him sleeping on the love seat with the foot rest popped out and leannig way back. Apparently he had been coughing quite a bit and needed to be more elevated so he could sleep--I had no idea until I woke up at 8 this morning and found no husband next to me as I stretched out and felt nothing but empty space! He did look so sweet and peaceful, I wish I would have thought to get a picture!
Good news is that we did use the down time while Mike was sick to install a new ceiling fan in our living room. Actually Mike did it, I just took the pictures, gave moral support and opinions. Mike started cutting holes into our ceiling around 4:00 on Saturday afternoon and after a trip to home depot to grab a box for the wiring and switches finally finished the part 1 of the ceiling fan project around 12:00am--yes it was long and there was dry wall dust
everywhere!!! I had the privilege of vacuuming the floor two to three times in that 8 hour period.
This is where the fan will be! Look at Mike's arms, you'd
think it snowed! hehe
Just an idea of some of the mess we had--next time, if
there is one, we are putting a drop cloth down!
Sunday was day two of our ceiling fan project--wiring day!!! By the time we had all the wiring from the switches on the wall to where the fan would be hung, we had 6 holes, yes 6, in our ceiling so we could get around all the joists--I believe that's what they are called--anywho, it's the wood in the ceiling. Mike also put in a new box to hold all the wiring that connects to the switches. We now have 3 switches instead of two! Installing the box seemed like a pain in the neck and nothing I would want to do, but Mike did such a great job!!! Not only did Mike get the box and wiring set with the switches, he wove that wire through each of those 6 holes! Again I offered my moral support and took pictures. :-)
Here's what it looks like in our ceiling--see the thin white thing in the corner--I'm holding the screw driver so Mike can see where in the ceiling he cut the hole--he had to get around those two joists.
If you look carefully you can see the loops of wiring along the ceiling.
This was a messy and frustrating project!
Patching up the holes with spackling paste--it's pink when
it first goes on and then drys white! Love that it's pink!
Tuesday Mike installed a metal plate of some kind, I have no idea what it's called, but it's what you attach the fan to on the ceiling.
Humoring me for a picture!
Last day of the project was Thursday! Thursday night while I was having fun at a Mary Kay party Mike installed the fan all by himself. I would think you'd need someone to help, but Mike being the awesome man that he is, figured out how to install it solo. My only regret was that I was not there to take pictures during the process--and it's only a minuscule regret . But that would have also meant I had to hold something over my head for an extended period of time and that is tiring on the arms. Not to mention I had a ton of fun with the ladies I was with and I wouldn't want to trade that in! So, here is what I walked in the door to, well almost I made him get in the picture:
Isn't it beautiful?! Look what My Man did!! Yes I'm so proud of him and have to brag!