On Wednesday, April 7th Mike had his Ordination Exam--it's kind of like the Board for becoming a doctor or the Bar exam for a lawyer. Scottsdale Bible Church has an ordination committee of three SBC pastors that they appoint and then Mike got to choose two other qualified people so he chose two of his professors from the seminary. His ordination committee was composed of Steve Eriksson, Pat Sullivan & Randy Walters from SBC and then he chose Fred Chay and Paul Wegner. The ordination commitee was able to ask Mike anything they wanted and all Mike had was his Bible--this was a very grueling 3 hours and I know Mike was so glad when it was done (total understatement)!!! We got home and he took a nap before we went to Islands to celebrate.
Dinner at Islands after Mike's Ordination Exam
Yesterday (Thurs, April 22nd) Mike and I went before the Board of Elders at SBC and Steve Eriksson, who was also on the ordination committee, recommended Mike to the Elder board to be a Pastor endorsed by Scottsdale Bible Church. They then asked Mike where he feels his strengths are and where he would like to minister, so of course Mike shared that we are hoping to stay in the Valley and looking for an Associate Pastor position, but also the areas of small groups, short term missions, marriage ministries and such are also of interest to us. He also shared that we are really looking forward to having children in the near future, which is another big reason we want to stay in Phoenix. Lord willing we will be able to stay here, but if He calls us elsewhere we will of course go there. I was teary through this whole process, no surprises there, and after Mike shared with the Elder Board they then gathered around us, laid hands on us and prayed for us. The only person I remember praying for us was Tim Kimmel, whom some of you may know or at least be familiar with his name. He's got a great ministry called Family Matters and has written the book "Grace Based Parenting" among others. There were also two other elders who prayed for us. One thing I thought was just really cool is was when Jamie, our Sr. Pastor, came over to me after and told me that they would be praying for us, for God's direction in our lives and for our ministry--and I know that he will be. Our Executive Pastor Tom Sharda came up to Mike and I as we were getting ready to leave and told us how exciting it was for him to hear how excited we are to have children and how special that will be. It was truly a sweet time and one I will treasure in my heart for the rest of my life.
SBC's Board of Elders praying over & for us.
In the back are words that say "With God All things are Possible"
How fitting are those words for this time in our lives! Love it!
The ordination process is all about a church endorsing our ministry and last night we completed that process and the Elders of Scottsdale Bible Church have said "Yes!" we want to back up Mike and Danielle Dearborn and God's call on their life to ministry!!! I get teary just writing because God is so good! We have two huge, and I cannot emphasize the hugeness of these two events, behind us. Next steps as we continue to look for a church to serve in, are to finish off this last semester, Graduate on May 14th and of course get a job!!!! So, these are three things that y'all can be praying for for the Dearborns'...especially the last one of getting a job! But there is one thing that I have been constantly reminded of throughout these past four months, and I know I'll be reminded even more, is that God is our Provider--Jehovah Jireh!!! May each of you be blessed and know that He too is your Jehovah Jireh!!!