Monday, November 2, 2009
1st Anniversary, Road Trips and Memorial Services
Our Fall Retreat to Lake Havasu was awesome! I had a great time getting to know peopel that I usually don't spend a whole lot of time with. I went with a group of mostly girls, a couple guys were there too, on a "walking tour" to London Bridge. Our walking tour was more of, "Hey, I'm goin to London Bridge, want to come?" I got to go waterskiing which I haven't done in a while and that of course was great! I also had the "privilege" of riding the banana boat and getting the wind partially knocked out of me when I flew off the banana boat and into the water. I'll post pics later!
The second weekend Mike and I were out of town was for our First Anniverary!!!! Yes, we made it to the one year mark and have had wedded bliss since day 1....yeah right. But, honestly our first year of marriage has been such a blessing and absolutely wonderful! We took a two day trip up north to Sedona and had perfect weather the whole time we were there! We hiked the West Fork trail of Oak Creek Canyon and we couldn't have planned for a better time of day to go--it was cool and shaded and absolutey beautiful with the leaves changing color. We had a wonderful dinner at a resturaunt called Savanah's and then went to Safeway to get some wine and watch the stars out on the patio of where we stayed. God even blessed us with two shooting stars! Day two involved sleeping in and a delicious breakfast followed by shopping around all the stores. We had two georgous sunsets while we were there and a wonderfully relaxing weekend.
Weekend #3 of being out of town was a cross country drive from Glendale, AZ to Charlotte, NC to drive my brother-in-law and his new wife to their new home in Camp Lagune which is in Jacksonville, NC. We left Friday morning about 10am and drove into the airport on Sunday at 5:45pm (30 minutes before our flight took off). It was a long, long drive but certainly worth the time with my brother-in-law and his wife. It was a privilgege to help them move most of the way to their new home. Did I mention it was a long drive? :-)
The day after we got back from North Carolina, Mike's grandmother passed away after battling breast and lung cancer. Actually, a week ago today. This past Saturday, on Halloween actually, we had her memorial service. Grandma Ruth had asked Mike about a month ago if he would speak at her service and it ended up that he did her whole memorial service. The first funeral he did, was his grandmas! He did an excellent job and I truly believe that the Lord spoke through him!
It has been an exhauasting month! I'll post pictures up soon, hopefully tomorrow or some other time this week. I'm hoping that November will be a bit more on the "normal" side and not quite as busy. But of course the Holidays are coming so who knows!!! All in all, even when life seems to be more than I can handle, I am blessed and I have been giving an amazing husband to walk through life's ups and downs with. Not only that, but we have a firm relationship that is centered on Christ and with Him, we can do all things because of the strength that He pours out into our lives! Be blessed my friends!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
SOMA Fall Retreat 2009
We're going to have all kinds of fun activities from waterskiing, banana boating, those big intertubes that are pulled behind boats, volleyball, some team games and awesome fellowship. I'll make sure to post pictures when I get back from Havasu, now it's time to go pack because I'm meeting up with my carpool right after I'm done with work. Wahoo!
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Bunch of Randomness
Thursday night I had the wonderful privilage of going to the Brad Paisley concert!!! It was a blast! Jimmy Wayne and Dierks Bently were also performing--excellent concert! I didn't get any pics of Jimmy Wayne performing but here are several from Dierks and Brad.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Recipe Blog
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
God's Faithfulness
Why do I bring this up? Because I believe that we should all have a way of remembering God's faithfulness in our lives. For me I will at some point purchase a large, beautiful vase so I can put different stories of God's faithfulness into it. It may look like folded up pieces of paper, but my prayer is that it will be a conversation starter that will bring God glory for all the times He has been faithful to Mike and I throughout our lives together. This vase of stories will be our "rocks of remembrance" and also so we can tell our children someday all that God has done for us. It will also serve as a reminder when we are discouraged, all we will have to do is pull out a story and remember how mighty and faithful the God we serve is!!!
Now for the reason that I am sharing this important information: After 5 months of searching for a second job and getting every door that I tried to open closed, God has provided not just one but two nanny jobs for me!!! I will start this first one on Wednesday and work for this family every week on Wednesday and Friday. The second family I will work for are a wonderful Christian family from my chruch and I will care for their two girls Monday and Thursday each week starting next Monday. I feel truly blessed!!! Not only do I get to work with these two families, but God allowed me to continue my Tuesday morning Women in Leadership Development (WILD) class that I'm taking through chruch. This was an area that I had such a hard time surrendering to God. This spring when it came time to register for our Spring Bible Study classes, the WILD program was being kicked off--I originally was going to do a study on Esther, but God kept on tugging at my hear to be part of WILD. At first I refused, due to finances, but told God I would "check it out" and go from there. Part of my big hesitation of joining this program was that it is a two year commitment and Mike will graduate from Seminary this coming May 2010 and we have no idea where the Lord will take us. After attending the info meeting and talking with Mike, he told me that I should take the class and that we could probably pay bit by bit, which ended up being the case. I have grown to love this group of women so much that the thought of leaving them for a job, as well as my commitment to the class as a whole, was causing me deep distress. I had several wise and wonderful women tell me that I had to be willing to surrender it if that was what the Lord wanted. I came to that place and as I continue to interview for jobs I would simply pray and say that "if this is where you want me Lord open the door, if it is not, then please close them." Our finances have been getting tighter and tighter and the Lord has continued to provide just enough. Now the Lord has given me two nanny jobs in which I can serve these two families! My heart is overjoyed and I can't wait to write this story down as a "rock of rememberence." What will you do to remember all the times and ways God has been faithful to you?
Friday, September 4, 2009
New Ceiling Fan
Good news is that we did use the down time while Mike was sick to install a new ceiling fan in our living room. Actually Mike did it, I just took the pictures, gave moral support and opinions. Mike started cutting holes into our ceiling around 4:00 on Saturday afternoon and after a trip to home depot to grab a box for the wiring and switches finally finished the part 1 of the ceiling fan project around 12:00am--yes it was long and there was dry wall dust everywhere!!! I had the privilege of vacuuming the floor two to three times in that 8 hour period.
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Eye Doctor and Job Update
In other news I heard back about my job interview that I had just before leaving for Dallas last month. Unfortunately I did not get the position as the Children's Director. They felt it would be difficult for me to be working at their church while Mike is working at SBC. They didn't want me to feel divided with working there and also wanting and needing to support Mike in his ministry. I'm disappointed, but I also know that God is in control and will continue to provide for us. Ultimately I feel that this is the best choice for their church since Mike and I are unsure of where we will be once he graduates in May. Please continue to pray for wisdom as I look for a job. I am contemplating going back to the preschool where I worked before, but at a different location. I'll let y'all know what happens!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Then there is the issue of wasting waaay too much time looking at all the cute backgrounds and pondering about changing a background that I have had for less than a month and barely posting on it--something seems wrong to me about that. But there has to be a way to add some cute stuff to it to jazz it up a bit, but then again, it doesn't really need much else--the message is about being aware of breast cancer.
I have two people in my family who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, along with the breast cancer there is cancer in other areas of these two sweet ladies bodies. Please pray for them as they do not know the Lord....
More another time--I'll have to remember to do updates from my phone. My eyes are heavy with sleep and my heart heavy for these to ladies in my family with cancer. My I be a vessel that God can use if He chooses.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Open Hands
We also had our last homegroup meeting (Bible study group) at the beginning of the month and enjoyed food and fellowship. We are taking a break for the summer and will start up again at the end of August or beginning of September. This break is especially good becuase of Mike's schedule. He is taking both sessions of summer school at the seminary--6 classes total! Thankfully they broke up evenly 3 each session. He had an imense amount of work to do first session. One class was an independent study so he had extra work due to missing class time. He's also had a Satuturday class for the past several weeks that will end this weekend. It consists of 3 days of class all day on Saturday and then a 4 hr. class on Friday night this week. If that doesn't sound busy enough the second session started this week and he will be having class every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night from 6-10. The blessing on this is that only one of his classes started this week--the other two will start next week and the week after. Praise God for that bit of a relief in timing!!!!
I have been pretty busy myself, mostly looking for a second job. I went to Tucson the second weekend of this month for a day to visit one of my long time friends Angella. We spend most of the day together chatting, hiking and eating. I have been telling her for a long time that I would come visit, and I finally made good on my promise! It always seems like Tucson is so much farther away than it really is, that's something I'll have to remember for future visits.

I have also been learning to hold my hands open to God in surrender rather than clenching them in fists, trying to keep control of everything. It's funny because that used to be something that I was decent at, and within the last couple of months I've not been walking nearly as close to God as I would like and because of that I don't get filled by the Spirit. Instead I've been looking to Mike, family, shopping and friends to fill the empty space. Tuesdy mornings are very special to me, it's when our church has our women's Bible study groups and they have a new leadership development class that I'm taking called WILD (Women in Leadership Development). Our class is broken down into groups of 3 so you can really get to know each other, have accountability and really go deep. For this spring semester it has been such a blessing and something I have come to treasure--especially the women in my group. Little did I realize at the time, that I was being filled by them and now that we have broken for the summer, I realized how empty I'd become and what a mistake I'd made. For the past two months, I seem to have been on a downward spiral of hopelessness. God was silent and I couldn't feel His presence--but how could I if I was only crying out periodically? I had no consistency in seeking and listening for Him. I wanted things to happen quickly and I am once again learing the lesson that God's timing is perfect--in all circumstances! Thankfully I have had some wise women speak truth into my life when they could see me unraveling and listen to my pain, even though the answer was simple--seek God and TRUST Him, He will provide. His provision comes in so many forms. Recently it's come in these wise women's word's to me. I didn't realize how tightly I had been holding my grasp for control. Now I am working on surrendering everythig--job, finances, time with Mike, my business, looking for a job, etc. I know His timing will be right, and as I wait patiently (hopefully) I'll look to Him to fill my needs rather than to the things of this world. Yeserday, I just started Beth Moore's newest Bible study: Esther--It's Tough Being a Woman and I know that once again, God's timing is perfect.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
First up was our 6 month anniversary date--Mike took me back to Desert Ridge Marriott where he proposed and we spent some time walking around and of course reminiscing. From there we went to dinner at the Yard House which is one of our favorite restaurants.

Mike proposed on an outside balcony on the 6th floor at sunset.

Monday, June 1, 2009
It's Hot in Here!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'm Still Alive!!!
One exciting event was Matt, my brother-in-law, graduating from Marine boot camp in San Diego. After three long months of hard work and training--that really doesn't describe what Matt went through or do it all--Mike and I drove over to San Diego with my father-in-law and met up with Donna, my mother-in-law, Greg, Aunt Sissie and one of Matt's friends Jennifer and her sister. We were finally able to see Matt on Thursday, which was family day, and spend all afternoon together. When the platoon first came out I didn't recognize Matt because they all look the same. I even took some pictures of the wrong Marine--but Matt was still in the picture--just not the center of it, oops. Once I picked him out, it was easy to identify him. Friday was graduation day and it was quite the ceremony! Such an exciting time--I'm so proud of my brother!!!
Matt had a 10 day leave here in town with family and friends before heading back to Camp Pendelton for four weeks of combat training, which is now almost over. Boot camp is much more mental than physical, and combat training is more physical. The good news is that they treat you like a human again when you are in Combat training. During the weekends Matt got liberty so he could use his cell phone some and Mike has gotten a couple calls. He's thrown grenades, used a grenade launcher and I believe will even get to shoot a rocket launcher...this doesn't mean much to me, but I know in guy terminology it's pretty sick awesome! After combat training Matt will be based in Twenty Nine Palms for his school training which will be about 8-9 months if I remember corectly. I'm not sure what that training will consist of, but I know he will be doing something with computers. I can't wait to see him again! Hopefully that will be soon!